
IMG_4482The adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” is the grounding belief of PhotoTherapy.  That’s because as humans our main sensory input of information is recorded not in words or language but in pictures, images, and other visual symbolic representations of our inner selves.

But long before the written word wasrock art developed, man relied on symbols, paintings, and other ways to express oneself.  Photography and other contemporary art forms are modern-day extensions of our prehistoric past.  Due to the imperfection of speech, the rich, symbolic representations found in pictures and photography can communicate in ways words can not.

Photographs that resonate with you do so because of they leave an emotional imprint in your mind.  Oftentimes the reasoning is unconscious or just below your level of awareness but within a therapeutic context the deeper meanings can be explored.  The metaphorical feelings residing in a picture can be seen as a window to your soul.

2014-10-03 19.25.11In this process, everything from family pictures, “selfies”, and abstract photographs are utilized as a lens towards understanding your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and relationships.  Put another way, PhotoTherapy is a unique and refreshing way to discover underlying motives, yearnings, fears, or other hidden emotions.

Ideal Clients include adults, teenagers, and children who prefer a more non-verbal method of communication.  While no photography experience is required, this form of exploring the unconscious also works well with avid photographers who want to understand more of what lies behind their artistic and creative endeavors.

Benefits of PhotoTherapy:

  • self-discovery
  • the skill of being more “present”
  • finding meaning behind your photographs
  • awareness of the unconscious

 Clinical info. on PhotoTherapy:

PhotoTherapy & Therapeutic Photography Techniques by Judy Weiser

Therapeutic Photography: 

Along the continuum of PhotoTherapy is Therapeutic Photography where photography is usually self-initiated (i.e. without a therapist) as a means towards personal growth.  I myself, am a practitioner of Therapeutic Photography as the medium allows me to be more attuned to my senses and environment.  Here is a some of my work.

link to my Therapeutic Photography (purchases available)
