Relationship Coaches

Relationship Coaching:

  • Finding love in a Digital World
  • The Art of Courtship & Conversation


Are you frustrated when looking for love? Receiving attention or flirting but he/she isn’t making taking the initiative? Want to get beyond being just Facebook friends?  Can’t move the relationship out of the digital world (i.e. texts, emails, or FB posts) into a real, face-to-face interaction?  Maybe you have plenty of real interactions but are mired in mixed messages or endless flirting where he/she never pursues anything?  Or worse yet, you’ve been emotionally invested in a relationship only to find out your partner never saw the “relationship” the same way you did.  If this sounds familiar, then we can help.

If you want to find love in today’s ambiguous dating culture, you need to know what the rules (or lack of rules) are and how you can adapt them to your liking.  Much of traditional dating is gone in an ever-changing world where commitment and clarity in relationships are replaced with ambiguous ones that land somewhere between romance and platonic friendships.

If this is you, a relationship coach could be right for you.  Keep in mind, our coaches are not therapists so there’s no need to be intimidated.  They won’t delve into your childhood or abandonment issues (that’s the therapist’s job).  They are here to give you their feedback and a fresh perspective of your situation based on their own observations and experiences in today’s brave, new dating world.

Our relationship coaches have a proven track record in helping you get the love you want.   Not only are they great coaches but they have experience dating in today’s digital world.  Everything from long-term, long-distance relationships to a single afternoon coffee date, our coaches have done it all and can give you the wisdom you need to navigate the relational confusion you may be experiencing.

Anny Hong, Relationship Coach

Anny loves working with men and helping them “understand women”.  With a breadth of coaching experience, both in the U.S. and Internationally, she has helped transform good guys into great partners.  The typical clients are hard-working, career-oriented men but oftentimes clueless when it comes to how to start, build, and maintain their relationships.  Everything from guiding men through small conversations, sharing of deeper feelings, as well as grooming and attire are included in her coaching process.

Anny comes to the relationship coaching field with more than fifteen years of experience in the communication business.  As a former meteorologist, news anchor, and reporter, she has worked in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Washington D.C., and even Paris where she also studied French at the Sorbonne University.

She currently resides in San Francisco and works with clients across the country via phone, Google-Chat, or Skype.  To set up  a complimentary 20 minute coaching session, please contact her at [email protected].