Involuntary Celibacy: The “Incel” Revolution
Young men who struggle with finding romantic partners are finding solace in their shared experience with each other. They even have coined a term, “Incel” to describe their situation as being involuntary celibate.
From Reddit to other online message boards, there is much sexual frustration and angst among this group. The Centers for Disease Control calculates 27.2% of men and 28.6% of women are sexless in the 15-24 age bracket. Despite this being in equal numbers, it is men who express the dissatisfaction, possibly due to skewed Western societal views that equate sex with masculinity. Continue Reading
Age is a Factor
I’m a little confused. Or not really. Maybe I’m crazy? Anyway I was in an online/long distance relationship with my ex boyfriend for five years. We met online when I was 14 and he told me he was 20ish at the time. I’m 19 now and a year ago I found out he is much older than he said he was 35. I broke up with him and then took him back because the age thing wasn’t really a factor in why I fell for this guy.
Asian Racism and Inter-racial Dating
Asian parents are racist. The intention may be to strengthen one’s ethnic identity and perpetuate the culture yet this can often undermine relationships. Case in point is with inter-racial dating. More specifically, I should say inter-ethnic dating such as two Asians dating from different Asian ethnic backgrounds. Continue Reading
“Dating-ish?” Where Everything & Nothing is a Date
The dating world is shifting in an unprecedented way as today’s relationships are more ambiguous than ever before. In the past you could neatly categorize yourself or other singles as either being in a relationship or not.
In today’s dating world, when you ask single people what their relationship status is, oftentimes answers include, “it’s complicated”, “we hooked up and see each other”, “I hang out with him”, “she texts me all the time”, or “we’ve been emailing for months”. I like to categorize all of this murkiness under the term, “dating-ish”, where everything and nothing feels like a date. It’s the point past platonic relationships (even if it’s in your head) yet short of a mutually-exclusive relationship. Continue Reading
When Does the Woman Pay?
I’m an Asian man dating a woman for almost a year. She lives with me & pays a small portion of the rent but I’m wondering should I still be paying for our dates? We go out very often (3 or 4 times a week) and she doesn’t offer since she’s a very traditional Asian
woman who believes men should pay.
-Asian “Slumdog Millionaire”
Dear “Slumdog Millionaire”,
From the sounds of it, it looks like you’re currently more slumdog than millionaire. But regardless of whether you’re rich or riding on credit, I hear annoyance and resentment with having to pay. The answer to your question of “should” you still be paying may be surprising Continue Reading
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