Comments on: When love is not enough Mon, 18 Mar 2019 13:15:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jim Rojas Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:27:19 +0000 Good advice Sam! It’s not hard to see how this poor guy was being pulled in by the notion of what he called love. It is easy to romanticize the feelings of attachment to someone we meet under erotic circumstances. Nothing wrong with that, but it doesn’t always mean we are a match for them or them for us. If she loved him, she would not have left him, nor would she have cheated before she left. She is obviously way too selfish and immature to understand the concept of relationship. He, on the other hand, is hooked on her like a heroin addict is hooked the drug. He can’t seem to let go in spite of the fact that she has demonstrated extremely harmful traits that almost sound like the tendencies of someone with a personality disorder. Having said that, I doubt very much that she has the capabilities of becoming a different person as she claims. Truly loving someone means you care about them more than in the context of romance or an erotic relationship. It means sometimes that you have to make some very tough choices, such as cutting that person free, especially when you know it is not in your power to change them. Letting them go allows you to grow and them to realize that there is more to life than just being attached to someone who sleeps with you. Love goes beyond the bedroom!

By: Lisa Brown Fri, 25 Nov 2011 04:11:58 +0000 Wow, Sam…you were so smack-dab “on” with your response to “single dad who loves his ex”! I also believe that many people who believe they’re “in love” or either really “in lust” or they’re dealing with some sort of codependence that “feels” like love. One of the biggest “lies” of the past couple of generations is the notion to “follow your heart”. But our hearts are fickle & are often influenced by false or fleeting emotions. IMO – “following your brain” in combination with following your morals, your values & your God, is much better advice. Also, many people forget that love is an active verb much more than a feeling! Thanks so all you do in providing such wisdom to those in need. You are an awesome counselor!
